Yesterday, my phone was locked because of my own mistakes.
Few days ago, i thing that is activate the phone code maybe useful for my phone so it won't work when i lost it. The phone code i know as the code that only me to know it and no one i may share. Actually there is no problem in the future if the code can be remember well. But if you forget the code, the bad effect appear when your phone switch on after in off position, because it need to fill the code. If you fill the wrong code (usually 10x) then your phone will be locked and cannot be operated before you get the right unlock code. That is what happened with my phone yesterday.
Yesterday, all day long, i just trying to find the repair shop in my city, but when Sunday, all the phone shop is closed you know. The last i can do is trying to find the
phone code unlocker on the internet. And bla...bla...bla... my phone back alive again after i get the code there.